In-situ modelling tests conducted by ESI Group in a hospital dental treatment room have demonstrated that Rensair's portable, hospital-grade air purifier can achieve clearance in just 1.3 minutes, delivering an air change rate of 12.6 Luftwechseln pro Stunde (ACH) when used with …
Airflow is critical to the effective performance of portable air purifiers and an (often hidden) point of difference between competing brands. Successfully cleaning all the air within a room is a real engineering challenge. Many air purifier vendors make unsubstantiated …
While lockdowns have been lifted, fallow time - the amount of time an operatory is left empty after an Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) to permit the clearance and/or setting of airborne droplets or aerosols - is still contributing to …
The gargantuan scale of the patient backlog has now been exacerbated by Omicron. While staff absences and shortfalls are a much discussed hindrance, there are other issues that play a part in thwarting patient throughput. One such issue is Belü …
Viele Menschen sagen, dass die Zukunft der Arbeit anders aussehen wird, da die Arbeitnehmer ein besseres Gleichgewicht zwischen Büro- und Heimarbeit wünschen. Das mag sein, aber einige Arbeitgeber werden auf ein gewisses Maß an physischer Präsenz bestehen. …
Ein offener Brief an den WHO-Generaldirektor zum aktuellen Plan der WHO in Sachen Belüftung. …