März 18, 2022 – 3 Min

Update to dentist’s fallow time guidance (UK)

While lockdowns have been lifted, fallow time - the amount of time an operatory is left empty after an Aerosol Generating Procedure (AGP) to permit the clearance and/or setting of airborne droplets or aerosols - is still contributing to … mehr
März 8, 2022 – 4 Min

It’s time to clear the air on the NHS backlog

The gargantuan scale of the patient backlog has now been exacerbated by Omicron. While staff absences and shortfalls are a much discussed hindrance, there are other issues that play a part in thwarting patient throughput. One such issue is Belü … mehr
März 3, 2022 – 3 Min

Rensair führt Live-Test zur Luftreinigung in Schule durch

Rensair, supplier of portable, hospital-grade air purification to the education sector, is staging a real-world trial at Queen's Park Die Gemeinschaft School (QPCS) in Brent, London. Anyone with an interest in making schools safe can access the metrics on a … mehr
März 1, 2022 – 4 Min

Saubere Luft should be the first line of defence for Pflegeheime

The COVID-19 pandemic had devastating consequences for the UK care home sector, with the CQC Berichting more than 39,000 deaths between 10 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. … mehr

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