We are all aware of the threat that microplastics cause to the -Gehalt um 50 % schlechter sind. Because of their microscopic size, plastic particles can be ingested by a wide variety of marine organisms and become part of our food chain. …
In-situ modelling tests conducted by ESI Group in a hospital dental treatment room have demonstrated that Rensair's portable, hospital-grade air purifier can achieve clearance in just 1.3 minutes, delivering an air change rate of 12.6 Luftwechseln pro Stunde (ACH) when used with …
Airflow is critical to the effective performance of portable air purifiers and an (often hidden) point of difference between competing brands. Successfully cleaning all the air within a room is a real engineering challenge. Many air purifier vendors make unsubstantiated …
The air purification market is unregulated. Many sellers make unsubstantiated claims about their machines, which in many cases use technology that is nicht empfohlen and potentially dangerous. …
On March 17, the US Umweltal Protection Agency (EPA) published a best practice guide for improving indoor air quality and reducing the risk of spreading dangerous airborne particles. …
Boni Sones OBE, the renowned journalist, documentary maker, producer and writer, has suffered from asthma since childhood. After years seeking an air purifier to alleviate her condition, she recently acquired a Rensair unit and it has transformed her life. …
The gargantuan scale of the patient backlog has now been exacerbated by Omicron. While staff absences and shortfalls are a much discussed hindrance, there are other issues that play a part in thwarting patient throughput. One such issue is Belü …
Rensair, supplier of portable, hospital-grade air purification to the education sector, is staging a real-world trial at Queen's Park Die Gemeinschaft School (QPCS) in Brent, London. Anyone with an interest in making schools safe can access the metrics on a …
Dr. Christoph Czerwenka, bekannter Rheumatologe aus Salzburg, Österreich hat sich für Luftreiniger von Rensair für seine auf rheumatologische Autoimmunerkrankungen und internistische Erkrankungen spezialisierte Praxis entschieden. Die Rensair-Geräte schützen Patienten und das Personal im Wartezimmer sowie in …
The COVID-19 pandemic had devastating consequences for the UK care home sector, with the CQC Berichting more than 39,000 deaths between 10 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. …
The trial to date at QPCS school is demonstrating that a Rensair Luftreiniger is successfully removing airborne Feinstaub from the classroom -Gehalt um 50 % schlechter sind. …
On January 27 2022, between 14:00 to 15:00, Rensair was featured in an interview on Sky News Radio’s nationwide network. The interview with Christian Hendriksen, Co-founder and CEO, and Edward Ballsdon, Co-founder and Air Quality Consultant DACH, covers the following …
The pandemic has seen saubere Luft rise up the public agenda, especially when it comes to shared spaces such as schools, offices and hospitality venues. Leading health authorities, such as the UK SAGE-Ausschuss and US Centers for Disease Control & …
Die Tailoring Academy, ein unabhängiger Schulungsanbieter in Macclesfield (Cheshire, Großbritannien), nutzt die Luftreinigung von Rensair, um den persönlichen Unterricht während der Pandemie fortzusetzen. …
Die Debatte über Maßnahmen zur COVID-Minderung im Bildungswesen ist in vollem Gange. Die Einrichtungen müssen sich derzeit mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen auseinandersetzen, wobei es oft unklare Richtlinien für Lösungen und bewährte Verfahren gibt. …